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A Guide To Getting the Best from Couples Retreat Therapy

Mar 21

Retreats offer drastic changes that may help your marriage flourish in times of trouble. But when looking for a Marriage Counseling Retreat, you need the best team that will listen to your challenges and help you find a timely solution.

Some guidelines come in handy when selecting a marriage counseling retreat.

Experienced Marriage Therapists

Regardless of your choice, you require a marriage coach who has worked in the field for a long time. Having an experienced coach by your side means you’ll tap from the rich knowledge base and record a life-changing experience.

Our therapists at An Affair of the Heart have salvaged marriages for 40 years. We can confidently translate our skills and expertise to success stories in your relationship.

Clear Pricing

A Marriage Retreats Near Me often comes with substantial costs that your health insurance may not cover. Therefore, your preferred center should be clear on their charges before you begin treatment. You should also inquire about food, accommodation, daily expenses, and parking fees that you’ll incur at the retreat.

We have a transparent pricing policy for our clients. Thus, we strive to explain our charges, including every package. We have a free consultation where prospective clients can ask questions regarding our Marriage Therapy Retreat

Scientific Therapy

With many retreats offering therapy online, it is hard to verify the effectiveness of various treatment options. But a good NYC Marriage Counseling should give you scientific-backed treatment with proven success stories.

We have a unique approach drawn from scientific adult bonding concepts. Our retreats draw inspiration from industry experts who have organized workshops in the past. We apply Image Transformation Therapy (ImTT) and Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR) techniques in all our retreats.

Moreover, we use unique resolution protocols to track and help you eliminate trauma in your most trying moments.

Suitable Location

Whenever you want to meditate and experience emotional recovery, you need a calm, serene location away from disturbances. You want to stay away from loud noises, music, interferences from children, and even pets.

We have both online and in-person programs customized for every client. We have a wide selection of in-person venues, and we allow you to choose your favorite spot. If you don’t wish to travel long distances to our retreat, you can still access our online programs via zoom.

Well-defined Expectations

As a norm, a Marriage Retreat should have a well-planned module for all therapy sessions. You should know what activities to expect each day so that events do not catch you up.

We have a detailed hourly schedule that highlights your expected experience at our retreats. Thus, we help you reduce the anxiety or concerns about what you’ll be doing as the day begins. 


An Affair Of The Heart

43 Center St G, Northampton, MA 01060

(413) 210-3739